Wen-Chao Yang

Wen-Chao Yang received the B.S. degree from Central Police University in 1997, M.B.A. degree from National Central University in 2002 and Ph.D. degree from National Chiao Tung University in 2014. He worked for the Forensic Laboratory at Central Police University from 1997 through 2005 and became an information system manager in Computer Center at Central Police University from 2005 through 2014. In 2015, he joined the Department of Forensic Science at Central Police University to be an Assistant Professor. His major research interests include image processing, information hiding, and forensic sciences. Dr. Yang is a founder of the Multimedia Processing Laboratory at Central Police University and a frequent forensic appraiser to government in the area of image, video, and digital evidence. He has published numerous articles related to steganography, multimedia forensic, and computer aided forensic examination. Dr. Yang is a senior member of Taiwan Academy of Forensic Sciences and the Chinese Cryptology and Information Security Association. He is now a Secretary General of Taiwan Academy of Forensic Sciences.


Technologies to Advance Automation in Forensic Science and Criminal Investigation
Chung-Hao Chen, Wen-Chao Yang, Lijia Chen. © 2022. 289 pages.
Within modern forensic science and criminal investigation, experts face several challenges including managing huge amounts of data, handling miniscule pieces of evidence in a...