Talha Bayır

Talha Bayır worked as Project Expert at Fırat Teknokent A.Ş. and Office Manager at We Global between 2016-2017. He has been working as an academician at Şırnak University since 2017. During his academic career, he worked as a Patent and Information Documentation Coordinator, Intellectual Property Rights Coordinator (TTO), and Erasmus Coordinator at Şırnak University. He completed his Ph.D. in Production Management and Marketing in 2020. Particularly, he has published in the fields of consumer behavior and digital marketing. During his academic career, he took part in many projects in cooperation with foundations, embassies, and non-governmental organizations. In addition, he carried out some academic activities at Nicolaus Copernicus, Vincent Pol, and Daugavpils universities. He conducted postdoctoral research at the IULM University Behavior and Brain Research Laboratory in Milan between 2022 and 2023. Finally, he was entitled to receive "Associate Professor" in 2023.


Consumer Complaints Management in the Digital Era
Talha Bayır, Sezen Bozyiğit. © 2024. 34 pages.
The aim of this research is to provide theoretical insights into effectively managing complaints made by businesses and brands on digital platforms. In this context, the authors...
Experiential Marketing and Practices: The Perspective of Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty
Talha Bayır. © 2022. 23 pages.
Experiential marketing creates lasting happiness and satisfaction by influencing the desires and emotions of consumers at the point of transforming the product or service into...