Sara Fazzin

Sara Fazzin is what she calls a pastor of skills in the fields of education, innovation, creativity and strategic management. In 2013 Sara was awarded the Doctorate of Management and Business Administration by “G. D’Annunzio” Department of Business Studies, Chieti, Italy. On October 2016, she completed the PG CHEP Programme at Essex University, UK, where she worked since 2013. During some formative experiences as practitioner, mainly as CEO and Head of HR in different Italian firms, Sara continued her academic research in a multi-disciplinary approach, with publications in the areas of organisational theory, knowledge management, artificial intelligence and emotion in the workplace. A proud Fellow of the Higher Education Academy in UK (FHEA) and an editorial member of the international journal IJKM, Sara is the Dean of the Faculty of Business and Management at NCI University in London, where she leads undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in management and innovation. Dedicated to technology, innovation and creativity in the workplace, Sara enjoys to spend time with her students, debate about the latest tech breakthrough and engage peers and colleagues from everywhere in the future of higher education.


Emotion-Based Approaches to Personnel Management: Emerging Research and Opportunities
Sara Fazzin. © 2019. 235 pages.
Organizations have traditionally focused on competitive advantage strategies to improve their companies. However, new research points to the evaluation of employees’ thoughts and...
Can Tacit Knowledge be Shared on Cloud?: An Opportunity for Viability From PBL
Sara Fazzin. © 2017. 33 pages.
Knowledge manipulation is key for organizational innovation, to gain competitive advantage, enhancing the search for a caring and sharing environment between co-workers. How to...