Marcelino Martinez-Sober

Marcelino Martinez received his BS and PhD degrees in physics (1992 and 2000, respectively) from the Universitat de Valencia (Spain). Since 1994 he has been with the Digital Signal Processing Group in the Department of Electronics Engineering. He is currently an Assistant Professor. He has worked on several industrial projects with private companies (in the areas such as industrial control, real-time signal processing, and digital control) and with public funds (in the areas of foetal electrocardiography and ventricular fibrillation). His research interests include real time signal processing, digital control using DSP, and biomedical signal processing.


Handbook of Research on Machine Learning Applications and Trends: Algorithms, Methods, and Techniques
Emilio Soria Olivas, José David Martín Guerrero, Marcelino Martinez-Sober, Jose Rafael Magdalena-Benedito, Antonio José Serrano López. © 2010. 852 pages.
The machine learning approach provides a useful tool when the amount of data is very large and a model is not available to explain the generation and relation of the data set....